Award winning dual language story books - English with British Sign Language topic keywords. 'Come and see my new friends' my littlest daughter says as she takes my hand and leads me into the woods to meet a new bug or worm that has caught her eye. Her adventures inspired this story, her love of nature and her questions about the world around her. She loves to give the creatures she sees a personality.
At the Bottom of My Garden is the second in the series of 'Rhyme and Sign' Adventures. We've been sure to include all the things you loved so much when reading Our Farmyard Friends. A rhyming a repetitive story line (enabling little ones to join in easily), beautiful illustrations (we invite you to spot the surprise additions!) and the enjoyment you will get from signing alongside your baby, toddler or pre-schooler.
At the Bottom of My Garden captures the awe and wonder of childhood explorations whilst supporting emerging literacy and language skills with the addition of key BSL signs to enable little ones to retain and recall information more easily. BSL Books for Kids from are sure to be books that your little one wants time and time again.
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