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Big Cat: Oops, Owl!


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Michelle Robinson


A big owl and a small owl sit up in a tree. In trying to show each other how big they are, the small owl is accidentally knocked out of the tree. Can the big owl save him? This quirkily illustrated story is written by Michelle Robinson.

  • A big owl and a small owl sit up in a tree. In trying to show each other how big they are, the small owl is accidentally knocked out of the tree. Can the big owl save him? This quirkily illustrated story is written by Michelle Robinson.
  • Pink A/Band 1A books offer emergent readers very simple text supported by illustrations.
  • Pages 14–15 provide an illustrated storyboard that consolidates understanding of the story and provides a wealth of speaking and listening opportunities.
  • Text type: A story with patterned language
  • Curriculum links: Personal, social and emotional development