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Bumper Animal Bundle


Original price was: £116.91.Current price is: £25.00.

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AR level
LY 2.7 - 3.4


Find out all about these amazing animals, birds and beasties...

  • Great White Sharks
  • Tarantulas
  • Puffins
  • Gorillas
  • Pythons
  • Wolves
  • Lemurs
  • Blue Whales
  • Cheetahs
  • Parrots
  • Blue Whales

Aimed at age 6-8 years all Gold Band

Great White Shark (AR LY 2.9)

Great white sharks are the largest predatory sharks in the sea! They live all over the world, have many sharp teeth and can smell blood from miles away. Dive deep into the sea and find all the facts about these incredible fish.

Tarantulas (AR LY 2.9)

Tarantulas use strong jaws to catch their prey, but these big spiders aren't as dangerous as some people think! Some can even be pets! Get caught up in all the details about these hairy, silk-spinning creatures.

Puffins (AR LY 3.0)

Puffins are seabirds with large beaks. They look like a cross between penguins and parrots. Their teeth point backward to help them catch fish. Find out more details about these unique birds

Gorillas (AR LY 3.0)

Gorillas are the largest primates in the world! These gentle mammals roam through the jungle, living in big groups as they search for fruit and bamboo shoots to eat. Climb through the trees to learn all about these strong, sociable primates.

Pythons (AR LY 3.4)

Pythons are some of the largest snakes in the world. They squeeze their prey with their bodies, and have flexible jaws so they can swallow big animals

Wolves (AR LY 2.7)

With their eerie howls and fierce hunting skills, wolves are fascinating creatures. These loyal pack animals are close relatives to man's best friend, dogs.

Lemurs (AR LY 2.9)

Lemurs are small, furry mammals with big eyes and long tails. Like humans, they are primates. These adorable animals settle their arguments with stink fights!

Cheetahs (AR LY 3.0)

Cheetahs run faster than any other land animal. These quick cats could keep up to freeway traffic. They sneak up on prey and pounce! Get more facts about these fierce hunters.

Parrots (AR LY 2.7)

Parrots can do more than just mimic human speech. These colourful, cheeky birds often mate for life, and some parrots can live 90 years or more. Learn more about these intelligent birds.

Blue Whales (AR LY 2.6)

Blue whales are the largest animals to have ever lived on Earth! But they are often hidden from human eyes deep beneath the ocean waves. Find out their secrets and get all the facts about these majestic water mammals.

All books in this bundle are hardback