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The Warehouse is open over half term Tuesday and Thursday 10am-midday.

Is your school full of Book Heroes?...

Then why not create a Wishlist so your little heroes can spread the power of reading by donating a book to school.

Anyone can make a Wishlist via our website for a birthday, special occasion or event but if you are organising a big book drive with your school or group we have now made it even more appealing to parents and carers taking part with the option for FREE postage! (Free postage for schools need to be activated by us for each individual school, please see below for details)

This is particularly popular during World Book Week or at the end of term for parents and children to gift to schools as a thank you. With all our books being just £2.99 each, brand new, this also makes them an affordable options for most parents.

You can also run a Wishlist along side a Virtual Book Fair, if parents are already online ordering its simple to add an extra book for school!

How does it work.

  • You create your Wishlist on our website with all the books you would like and how many of each title. Once this is done please email us, see below, so we can activate free shipping option.
  • You can then share the link with those participating (We will also supply additional digital flyers and wording to help you get the best results. Flyers can be adapted for different occasions like the one pictured for World Book Week)
  • Parents can then order via our website. At the checkout stage they would need to put in the schools address and postcode for delivery this will give them FREE delivery. They can checkout and pay via debit/credit card or Paypal.
  • Everytime someone orders from your list the books will show on your Wishlist as 'purchased' so that they are then not doubled up. If you have selected multiple copies of a title then it will show how many more are wanted. This also allows you to track progress and add more if it's more successful that you anticipated!
  • At the end of the set time, this can be a week or a term etc we will ship all the Wishlist orders direct to you with a list of all the books donated and by whom. We will also supply you with stickers to put in the books so your Book Heroes can write their name on the label. "Book Hero Alert!! This book was donated by_______ " before it is proudly placed in the library or class book shelves.

How to set up a Wishlist

Anyone can set up a Wishlist straight away via our website. To add books to your wishlist simply click the heart icon below each picture.

If you are a school, nursery or organisation and would like to take advantage of the free shipping option you will need to get in touch before sharing your wishlist. This is so we can set up and activate the free shipping and to discuss how long you would like your wish list to run. At this stage we will also send you additional wording and flyers to help you promote it.

For more information or to get set up please email