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What’s the point in wordless picture books?

Well, I’m sure you’ll have heard the saying ‘A picture is worth a thousand words.’ Here are four reasons why picture books, that have no words, are so important to explore with your child:


1) They build children’s confidence

These books can be explored by ANY child; they aren’t just beneficial for non-readers. For reluctant readers or those who struggle with reading, it removes the pressure and barrier of being able to physically read. For more-able readers, it helps them to follow contextual clues to understand what is happening in the story.


2) They develop children’s imaginations

Wordless books can leave a lot to the imagination. They have a story line but this is told through the vivid illustrations instead. This allows your child to interpret the plot.


3) They develop children’s vocabulary

Even though there are no words, by discussing the story together, your child will develop their vocabulary.


4) They develop children’s comprehension skills

By exploring the illustrations within wordless books, children become ‘reading detectives’, answering questions about the story’s plot line and characters.


By Guest Writer: S. Davis (Year 6 Teacher)

So you see there is a whole world to explore in wordless picture books! Why not give one a try today? View our wordless picture book range here.